
Project Stack

                Project stack is a crytocurrency project currently under way that attempts to bridge the gap between common business logic, and advanced technology seen in average app/game usage. After much research on specific core crypto and market related issues; we decided to build our own custom game economy and server from scratch calling it "project stack" because the original name for the project was "Stack Chain". Stack is an actual data type used within the project that can cast most data types from and to implicitly in C# and C++ as well as count infinitely using a (44) key symbol ledger that emulates base-10 "0-9" in aa way the wraps the symbols into an infinite directional counting vector.

Along with the ability to count infinitely; we built an infinite directional math counter that can calculate E*INF^INF using simple string manipulation.

					/*[wac-code="wac-code"] */

* @author ScottyRoX
* @co_author Adtarah

namespace _STACK\CHAIN;

class digit
    public $G;
    public $int;
    public $pool;
    public $legend;

    public function __construct($int)
        // A familiar base 10 symbology for right operation
        $this->legend = array(

/* For example number is 1000
digit output: 1K

1 = How many of the next iteration of base operation is.
K = The symbol key for the base G[0] level of operation.
